mppscoventry - 14 February
Some of our children had a lovely time visiting The Zoogie Boogie Club today. They enjoyed taking part in a range of activities including music, movement and Makaton.
mppscoventry - 14 February
A half term highlight for Year 2 has been designing and making a moving vehicle with working wheels and axles. The children had fantastic fun on the playground testing out their cars!
mppscoventry - 14 February
Thank you to everyone for taking part in our Number Day last week! The costumes and effort taken was wonderful! I hope you all enjoyed completing Buddy's Challenge and taking part in some fun maths activities!
mppscoventry - 07 February
Year 1 had a bit of a scary morning this week - our classrooms had been invaded by dinosaurs! They arrived through a portal, kicked over tables & chairs & destroyed the book corner! Thankfully Year 1 were fantastic at tidying up after the dastardly dinosaurs!
mppscoventry - 07 February
The Hive have been reading the story ‘The Smeds & the Smoos’ & lots of our learning has been linked to space. In science we made moon rocks using baking soda & food colouring. We also made rockets using recycled materials & enjoyed counting down from 10 before launching them!
mppscoventry - 07 February
Year 5 enjoyed their trip to The National Space Centre and Space Camp sleepover!
mppscoventry - 05 February
Congratulations to the Year 5/6 boys football team who won their match against Eastern Green Junior School yesterday. The score was 0-3.
mppscoventry - 03 February
Our new Year 5 sports leaders are ready for action!
mppscoventry - 31 January
Year 4 went on a fantastic trip to Tamworth Castle, learning all about life in Viking & Anglo-Saxon times. They were able to handle & dig artefacts, re-enact a battle like warriors & got to see real jewels and gold that have been left behind. It was a great day!
mppscoventry - 31 January
Year 3 have been mapping food miles this week!
mppscoventry - 31 January
Year 5 had a wonderful morning taking part in a Buddhist workshop. The children had a wonderful time dressing up to tell the story of Prince Siddhatha and enjoyed acting out many of the Buddhist teachings!
mppscoventry - 31 January
Congratulations to our Upper Phase SOAR superstars. Super learning this week from you all.
I would like to warmly welcome you to Manor Park Primary School. We are incredibly proud of our school and the children who come here to learn and soar to success.