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Head's Welcome

Welcome to Manor Park Primary School

On behalf of the staff, governors and children, I would like to warmly welcome you to our school website. We hope that you will find it useful and that you will get a taste of life at Manor Park!

We are incredibly proud of our school and the children who come here to learn and soar to success. Our school, built in 1950, is a well-established part of the community and has a heritage which sees ex pupils returning as parents and even grandparents. 

Our core mission is to offer our wonderful children outstanding teaching and learning experiences and the very best opportunities, in and beyond the classroom. Learning at Manor Park is innovative, fun and exciting, capturing pupils’ interests and extending their knowledge and skills. We aim to raise aspirations, inspire a life-long love of learning and create memories to last a lifetime. As you explore the website, you will see the range of opportunities that our children have, and the local, national and global links we have forged. We are particularly proud of our Manor Park University which extends and enriches our curriculum offer. In addition, our excellent pastoral care ensures that all children are nurtured and thrive in a supportive and caring environment.

We hope that you will find everything you need on our website, but should you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Mrs Becky Swindell