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project gambia

At Manor Park we support a charity called 'Project Gambia'. Project Gambia has, since 2007, established a range of projects in schools, villages, and farms to provide education, support, and funding to enable people to find a sustainable solution to poverty. Through assemblies and lessons we introduce pupils to what life is like for children in The Gambia and embed global learning into the curriculum. Our community ambassadors take a lead on fundraising activities throughout the year to raise money. You can find out more information on the Project Gambia website.


Sponsor a child programme

In April 2019 Project Gambia set up a ‘Sponsor a Child’ Programme and each year group at Manor Park sponsors a child. Sponsoring a child pays for school fees, uniform and books. We receive photos of our sponsor children, termly reports and letters/cards/ pictures from them.  

Reception are sponsoring Ajie, 3 years old

Year 1 are sponsoring Modou, 5 years old


Year 2 are sponsoring Fatou, 6 years old


Year 3 are sponsoring Bai, 7 years old


Year 4 are sponsoring Aisha, 7 years old


Year 5 are sponsoring Kaddy, 8 years old



Year 6 are sponsoring Lamin, 10 years old



School feeding programme

In November 2020 the School Feeding Programme was launched. The programme provides schools meals for nearly 400 children at schools which serve very poor communities. Many of the children arrive at school hungry because their families do not have enough income to provide even the barest minimum of food. As a result many children are withdrawn from school to earn money to provide food for the family. The programme provides these children with a daily nutritious meal, ensuring their attendance at school and safeguarding them from the risks of being on the streets.

Gambia day

During the first part of the morning, every year group learnt about The Gambia. We then looked into ‘The day in the life of a Gambian child’ and we compared our lifestyles. Once we had learnt about this, each year group created something about themselves to send over to The Gambia for the children to learn about their life. We had video diaries, posters, letters and iMovie creations!

For the second part of the morning, each year group got creative with a different activity! Here is what we did:

Reception created an African head dress and made their own jewellery using pasta shells.

Year 1 created a piece of art linked with African clothing. They used real material and use a watercolour background

Year 2 got busy cooking and created an African dish called Chakery. They then enjoyed eating it!

Year 3 used different media to create the Gambian flag. There was lots of paint, tissue paper and even glitter!

Year 4 had the task of using tie dye! They brought in an item of clothing and used the dye to create a pattern.

Year 5 practised some African drumming and created a lovely piece of music as a year group.

Year 6 had a dress making challenge. They had to create a piece of African styled clothing using only paper, scissors and glue!


Christmas shoeboxes

At Christmas time the children and families at Manor Park donate items for Christmas shoeboxes. These get sent to children in The Gambia who would not otherwise receive a Christmas present. In 2021 we sent over 300 shoeboxes! Click here to read our thank you letter.