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The Governing Body works in close partnership with the headteacher, staff and the local authority. Whilst the headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school building and finance. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives. 

The co-chair of governors are Rebecca Carr and Debs Ridgewell, who can be contacted via the school office or

The governing body at Manor Park has 14 members and is made up as follows:

  • Head teacher
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 8 Co-opted Governors
  • 1 LA Governor

 Meet the Manor Park Governors

Governor Welcome

We are delighted to welcome you to Manor Park Primary School. As governors we are very proud to be part of the local community and are fully committed to be working with the Headteacher, staff, children and parents/carers to ensure that we keep encouraging our children to Soar to Success!

Part of our role as a Governing body is to set the vision and strategic direction of the school and to achieve this we have worked closely with the school leadership team to identify where the school needs to improve to ensure your child receives the best possible education they can in a safe, secure and nurturing environment.

As governors we are also keen to ensure that everybody is able to engage with the school when needed and actively promote a culture of collaboration and open dialogue to allow the school to continue to grow in its aim to give every child the best possible experience and education.

Becky Carr and Debs Ridgewell

Co-Chairs of Governors