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Safeguarding children and young people is everyone’s responsibility

 Should you have any concerns about a child you can speak to a DSL or Deputy DSL on the school number 02476 501736 or via email at

Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Swindell and Mrs Perkins

Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Jacoby, Mrs Brown, Mrs Haines and Mrs Buckley 

You can report your concern to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Tel: 02476 788 555  Email:

 You can contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Tel: 02476 833 443

 You can visit the Coventry Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP) website

 If you want to discuss your concerns or need advice, you can call: Childline on 0800 1111 or NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 500