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At Manor Park, everyone is a mathematician.

Through our clear concrete, pictorial and abstract approach, all learners will grasp the concepts needed to master the national curriculum. Teachers hand select from a wide range of resources to deliver an engaging, varied and enriching lessons for all children.


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Maths National Curriculum & Calculation Policy (CPA approach)

Using objects and pictorial representations, all children will have a full conceptual understanding and be able to apply their learning to both problem solving and reasoning activities throughout the mathematics national curriculum.

Mathematics programmes of study: KS1 & KS2 

Please see below examples of the calculation policy in action!

Year 1 – Addition

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Year 2 – Subtraction

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Year 3 – Multiplication

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Year 4 – Multiplication

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Year 5 – Division

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Year 6 – Dividing Fractions

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Revisiting learning

Children are given many opportunities to consolidate knowledge by regularly recapping prior learning. We do this through our daily 'Mini Maths' activities. This provides pupils with the chance to revisit topics and thus to embed and reuse their knowledge and skills, which is vital for ensuring learning remains in their long-term memory. Each maths lesson (from Year 2 upwards) begins with pupils completing their Mini Maths questions, which require children to reuse prior knowledge and skills, across a variety of mathematical areas. Below are some examples of different Mini Maths questions from across the school. 


Times Tables

Times table recall speed is fundamental to success in many areas of mathematics, therefore we offer children regular opportunities to practice their recall of times tables. One key way we do this is by using Times Tables Rockstars.

Maths Curriculum Enhancement 

At Manor Park, we strive to provide children with both an exciting and challenging curriculum as well as other opportunities to enhance their maths experience.

This year, children took part in a greater depth maths workshop at a local school, led by one of the UK’s leading maths tutors, Pete Hall. This gave pupils the chance to consolidate and apply mathematical skills that they had learnt in their maths lessons. 

During our bespoke Manor Park University offer, children are given the opportunity to join a maths club and also a cookery course where they complete tasks that simulate experiences pupils are likely to encounter in later life. This gives pupils the opportunities to revisit topics to embed and reuse knowledge and skills acquired in a fun and motivating way.