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Manor Park Primary School has places for 78 children in Nursery and 90 children from Reception to Year Six. The admissions policy can be found on our 'Policies' page.

Full details of admission procedures can be found on the Coventry City Council website using the link below:

School Admissions


If there are more requests for a school than there are places available within the school’s admission limit, places will be allocated in preference order using the criteria in priority as follows:-

  1. To children who live in the catchment area served by the school, with an older brother or sister at the school, provided that the brother or sister will continue to attend that school the following year;
  2. To other children who live in the catchment area served by the school;
  3. To children with an older brother or sister at the school, provided that the brother or sister will continue to attend that school the following year;
  4. To children by reference to the distance to the preferred school. A straight line measurement will be made to the school. The shortest measurement will have the highest priority.

If it is not possible to meet all of the requests in any one of the categories described above, the City Council will prioritise the requests within that category by reference to distance. A straight line measurement will be made to the preferred school. The shortest measurement will have the highest priority.

All first preference requests will be allocated before second or third preferences are considered.