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History Sequence of Learning 

Our History Curriculum 

Core History Offer 

Here at Manor Park, history is mainly taught, although not limited to, our creative curriculum lessons; there are strong cross-curricular links, which provide the opportunity to learn about history during reading, English, art, science, design and technology and many other lessons. We offer quality teaching, which enables our children to think like historians through curious questioning, developing perspective, comparing evidence and critical thinking.

During our history lessons, children are given the opportunity to use a variety of primary and secondary historical sources to enrich their learning and deepen their knowledge and understanding. Using these, children ask questions, make predictions and build their historical knowledge of past events. Historical sources help our children to understand the complexity and changes throughout key periods of history and compare them with today.

Throughout their time at Manor Park, children learn to sequence events in time order from our local and world history and understand that time periods they are learning about may overlap. The skill of chronology is vital in history and enables our children to remember key historical people, periods and events.

Our children’s first experience of history is through personal knowledge of their lives, family members and how they have changed and developed over time. Through this, they then progress to learning about the history of our school and the local area. We also have a wealth of history on our doorstep and take full advantage of this. We strive to educate our children on the importance of not only our city’s past but also that of our local area and how these have an impact on today. Children are also taught about different periods throughout our world history from dinosaurs to the Ancient Greeks and the Romans to WW2. 

Enhanced History Offer 

Our children have the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of trips, workshops and meet visitors to enrich their learning of history. They also have the option to take part in our ‘Horrible Histories’ course for Manor Park University, where they build on their previous historical knowledge and learn about new time periods. 

History Documentation 

History National Curriculum