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 Why is PSHE important to me? Manor Park Pupil Voice 2021


PSHE Sequence of Learning

Our PSHE Curriculum

Core Curriculum Offer

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is giving children the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to successfully manage their lives, now and in the future. At Manor Park our PSHE curriculum aims to inspire and empower children to stay healthy and safe, equipping them with a sound understanding of risk and the ability to make informed decisions. Our PSHE curriculum:

  • Promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of children
  • Prepares children at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
  • Promotes British Values

PSHE provision at Manor Park ensures children have the opportunity to learn: to be healthy; to stay safe; to enjoy and achieve; to make a positive contribution; to achieve economic wellbeing and to resist unhelpful peer pressure. Children also have the opportunity to learn the importance of relationships. Relationships Education and Health Education are compulsory for all primary pupils and our policy and practice has regard to the Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education statutory guidance.

PSHE is taught in Years 1 to 6 in discrete, weekly lessons and lessons are informed by the school’s learning coverage document which maps out key learning opportunities in each year group. In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) personal, social and emotional development is one of the prime areas of the curriculum.  The children are taught how to acknowledge and deal with their emotions and develop positive relations and social skills. We use a range of resources to support PSHE teaching and Learning including:

1decision – an interactive, online programme that encourages good decision making both inside and outside of the school

Rising Stars Online Safety - a whole school programme to ensure children become positive digital citizens by teaching them safe and appropriate online behavior

No Outsiders equality books – a range of books that support teaching children diversity and tolerance. You can find out more information in this video:

To find out more about our PSHE curriculum offer, please contact your child's phase leader.

Enhanced Curriculum Offer

In addition to the planned curriculum, PSHE in integrated through all that we do at Manor Park. This includes: our school values of Self-sufficient, Original, Attitude and Resilience; Junior Leadership Team (JLT); Manor Park University; our wide ranging extra-curricular offer; assemblies; educational visits; Forest School; Jobs Board; Global Awareness and Outdoor Learning provision

We regularly plan whole school events to enhance our PSHE curriculum. For example linking learning to Black History Month, Odd Socks Day, Comic Relief, Earth Day, Anti-Bullying Week and Children’s Mental Health Week.


PSHE & RSE Policy