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Year 1

Welcome to Year One!

Year One is part of the ‘Lower Phase’ in our school. Mrs Jacoby is the phase leader for Year 1 and her role is to support the staff, children and families. If you have any questions, concerns or positive feedback then we would love to hear from you. You can contact Mrs Jacoby via the school office or by emailing

All teachers and support staff are available daily on the classroom doors for a quick chat and also via Seesaw.

In Year 1 there are lots of exciting new challenges, the children become more independent and take greater ownership of their learning. They are encouraged to tackle new concepts with enthusiasm and determination and become more confident in their own abilities.

The children will continue to develop their writing and maths skills through a range of lessons that will be linked to our exciting curriculum. Our topics include 'Superhumans', where children learn about significant historical figures such as heroes like Mary Seacole and Captain Sir Tom Moore; 'The Wild Woods', where we will learn about our local environment and investigate the signs of autumn; ‘Hear me ROAR’, where we will be learning about dinosaurs, the prehistoric era and animal groups; and ‘Flashback’, where children look at events within and beyond their living memory such as the Millennium and the Great Fire of London.

Within all of our topics we will incorporate a WOW event including a visit to the War Memorial Park, a trip to All Things Wild, a special visit from a palaeontologist and an exciting adventure to a toy museum. The children’s learning will also take them outside daily, where we will use our natural environment to further enhance some of our topics. We look forward to inviting you to join us in school to work with your children at our termly parent events and to celebrate your child's learning throughout the school year and working with you to ensure your child has a happy and successful year.


Early Reading at Manor Park 

At Manor Park, we place a high priority on early reading and phonics and we work hard to develop a love of reading throughout the school. It is widely accepted that reading is one of the most powerful and important skills a child can learn and is often a predictor for early success. We recognise the powerful impact that parents have on their children and their child’s education and this is why we thoroughly appreciate you working alongside us throughout your child’s reading journey. Each class has a login, which will be shared with you, to access hundreds of exciting Oxford Reading Buddy books to encourage lots of reading at home. We also offer RWInc e-books so that you can support your child's reading at home, linked to what is being taught at school in phonics. Children are also encouraged to read for pleasure, taking home a library book weekly from our Big Red Library Bus.

Oxford Reading Buddy - Log in