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Year 4


Welcome to Year 4!

Year Four is part of the ‘Upper Phase’ in our school. Mrs Brown is the phase leader and her role is to support the staff, children and families. If you have any questions, concerns or positive feedback then we would love to hear from you. You can contact Mrs Brown via the school office or by emailing

In Year 4, we promote positivity, persistence and independence. We are a very hardworking year group and we strive to ensure every child makes good progress and reaches their full potential, as well as having an enjoyable and memorable year. 

We have some very exciting learning opportunities throughout the year, including our topics, ‘Chariots of Fire’, ‘Waves’ and ‘Invaders’.  Children will be visited by a Roman soldier, have the opportunity to spend the day exploring the Sea Life Centre and will also have a fantastic opportunity to spend a 2 night residential exploring Whitby. We look forward to sharing information about these plans nearer the time.

The Year 4 team look forward to welcoming your children and working with you to ensure that they have a happy and successful year. If you have any questions that you need to discuss with your child’s class teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the school to make an appointment.